
Radio Silence - an album by Matt, Paul and Rob from Jamiroquai

Added on Saturday 28 May 2011, 06:36 (UTC)

Whilst on tour bands spend a lot of time travelling, sitting around in hotels/airports and generally not performing!  During this time there are opportunities work on new music and Jamiroquai bandmembers Matt Johnson (keyboard), Rob Harris (guitar) and Paul Turner (bass) have been busy and have just released an album.  Matt writes...

"I am writing to you because I have made an album with Rob and Paul from the band and it is now released on itunes and other digital formats. We started writing it 6 years ago while bored in hotel rooms on the Dynamite tour! When we finished the tour we booked a studio and a drummer for a week and did some recording. Over the ensuing years we crafted the basic tracks into songs and got in various guest singers, including Vanessa Haynes from Incognito. Also a rapper from the U.S. who we never met put some cool raps on a couple of the tunes and there is some brass too. As it was purely a labour of love and as we couldn't get paid it's taken forever and a day to finish! It's a little left field but hopefully there's something there for everyone. The band name is Radio Silence and the album is called Travelogue."

The album (including track previews) can be heard at iTunes.

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