
Jamiroquai plan promotional visit to Australia in November

Added on Sunday 24 October 2010, 07:48 (UTC)

After the mention of a Rock Dust Light Star promo visit to Australia in Jay's interview with the UK Telegraph newspaper last weekend the Australian Telegraph has a litle more information.  They write...

JAMIROQUAI are working hard to promote their new album, Rock Dust Light Star, their first studio release in five years.

Insider can reveal the British funk-pop outfit, fronted by Jay Kay, is scheduled for an Australian promo visit from November 19 to 23.  The band will perform at a Take 40 Australia party on November 20. Stay tuned for more details.

Rock Dust Light Star, Jamiroquai's eighth album, will be released next Friday. The first single, White Knuckle Ride, is out now.

Credit: Liam Schembri, Samantha Yemm

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