
2008 interview with Jay from CAPS magazine now online

Added on Monday 01 June 2009, 21:03 (UTC)

In mid-2007 Jay became a patron of the Captive Animals Protection Society.  Established in 1957, CAPS is one of the UK's leading campaigning organisations on behalf of animals in circuses, zoos and other entertainment industries.

Back in 2008 the society interviewed Jay for their members magazine and they have just made the full interview available online at the CAPS website.

CAPS is really pleased that you agreed to become a patron. What helped you make that decision?

I like the idea that CAPS is a small grass-roots organisation. I find it really offensive to see animals in cages and dippy tourists having their photos taken with baby elephants in Thailand or monkeys in Russia. So any organisation that campaigns to stop this sort of thing is good as far as I’m concerned, as well as the stuff you do in the UK.

To read the full interview please visit the CAPS website.

Credit: Deesha Dyer, Erin Suggett

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