
Focusrite and the Gig In The Sky

Added on Friday 13 April 2007, 13:40 (UTC)

Music hardware supplier Focusrite have issued a press release about the technology that engineer Rick Pope used to record the recent Gig In The Sky.  Part of the press release reads...

"We had a full band, six musicians and three backing singers. They only took out two rows or three rows of seats for us. It was basically where you come in through the main door and we had a 10 and a half by nine and a half foot square to set up in!" "It [Saffire PRO 26i/o unit] was simple once it was up and running: stand alone, just hit record, go and that was it. It did everything I wanted it to do and was ideal for the gig because everything had to be scaled down. I had a really tiny desk that you could rest on your lap, a laptop and this little 1U bit of kit which was compact, small and sonically sounded great."

For further information please visit the Focusrite website.

Credit: Samantha Yemm

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