If you're a regular visitor to Jamirotalk.net then you probably know this already, but if not, then we thought we should let you know that the site recently (11th February) celebrated its fifth birthday.
Back in 2002 a small site called Jamirotalk.net appeared on the net and over the past five years has turned into an absolutely superb forum for discussing anything and everything related to Jamiroquai.
It's right up to date with the latest news and has a great community feel, with a number of officers, moderators, experts and correspondents who spend much of their free time helping ensure the site is friendly and informative.
If you've not visited Jamirotalk.net before then you really should, and if you have visited it before, why not visit the birthday thread, say hello (apologise for being a week late - just blame funkin!) and join in the fun...