
Canned Heat redefined by Napoleon Dynamite

Added on Friday 25 November 2005, 09:30 (UTC)

An article at the Guardian newspaper (UK) website talks about songs that have been redefined by movies, Canned Heat and it's starring role in Napoleon Dynamite are discussed.  The paper writes...

If it's hard to ruin a great song (unless you're Richard Curtis), then it's harder still to reassess a supposedly naff one. The climactic dance scene in Napoleon Dynamite vindicates not just the geeky antihero but also his song of choice. Even music snobs open-minded enough to rate the Bee Gees tend to draw the line at Jamiroquai's ersatz jazz-funk, but Napoleon Dynamite reveals that beneath the twattish millinery, Canned Heat is a latter-day disco classic.

Credit: Deesha Dyer

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