
Julian Perretta talks about working with Rob and Matt

Added on Wednesday 04 February 2009, 12:11 (UTC)

Julian Perretta, an artist that Jamiroquai musicians Rob Harris and Matt Johnson are working with has just been ranked at number #3 in the "MTV UK Spanking New Artists for 2009" list.  

He gives an interview at the MTV website where he talks about how he got together with Rob and Matt....

Who has worked on your debut album with you?

I’ve written the record with two guys who were in Jamiroquai - Matt Johnson and Rob Harris. Someone will come in with a riff and we’ll build it from there.

How did you start working with them?

I left school at 16 and went to a drama school and got really obsessed with Jamiroquai. I looked for them on MySpace and they got back me.

I went over to one of their houses and wrote a song. Since then we’ve done the whole album together- I signed a record deal two years after I met them.

You can read the full interview over at the MTV website or visit

Credit: Deesha Dyer

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