
Jay at the Salon Prive luxury car show

Added on Thursday 03 July 2008, 22:10 (UTC)

After attending the same event in 2007, on Wednesday Jay was one of the guests at the 2008 Salon Prive luxury car show held at the Hurlingham Club in west London.

According to thelondonpaper newspaper "The singer rocket up to the a classic Porsche Speedster, only to be outdone by radio star Chris Evans arriving in his Ferrari California Spyder, which he bought last month for £2.8 million."

Some photos of Jay at the event can be seen at the Getty Images website.

UPDATE (4 July 2008): A short video of Jay at the event was broadcast on Channel 4 television (UK) on Thursday 3 July.  It is available to view (for UK viewers) at the Channel 4 website (about 14 minutes 40 into the clip).

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