
Virtual Insanity - written in the loo!

Added on Sunday 30 March 2008, 19:01 (UTC)

In an interview/article with Pete Winkelman, a once music executive who owns Linford Manor -  where the album Travelling Without Moving was recorded, he recalls a story about how Virtual Insanity was written...

'Jamiroquai was in the loo downstairs when he wrote "Virtual Insanity". He hears all his tunes in his head and I could hear him singing it. So he went straight into the ballroom, which is where the main studio is, and told everyone what he wanted. That was in the last week of recording - it's the best track on the album [Travelling Without Moving], although "Cosmic Girl" isn't bad either.'

Now that has to be bizarre story of the day!  The rest of the article (which is more about football/soccer than music) can be read at the Guardian newspaper website.

Credit: Deesha Dyer

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