
Sola Akingbola 'Tank Tribe' competition winners

Added on Thursday 12 January 2006, 06:00 (UTC)

The competition that was recently running at percussionist Sola Akingbola's website recently closed and the winners have been announced.  The competition was to write a review of the "Tank Tribe" track that is available on the website.

Have a read of the winners reviews at the site, and then if you like what you have read and want to listen, visit the Tank Tribe pages for more information.

Sola is a great ambassador for Jamiroquai and I recommend you visit his site at regularly for great tour updates, music downloads and cool competitions.  Whilst you are at his site, why not subscribe to his mailing list so that you can get emails updates sent directly to your inbox.

Credit: Meike Melansek

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