
Jay's lost without his Denise

Added on Monday 05 September 2005, 21:12 (UTC)

In an article at the Daily Snack website (which is part of the Daily Star and Express UK newspapers), Jay apparently wants to get back with Denise Van Outen.  Part of the article reads...

Jay split from Denise in 2003 and now admits he’s concerned their busy work schedules – and press attention – will make a reunion difficult.

But the hat-loving singer insists they are older and wiser than they were when they first fell in love. And if Denise feels the same way, he’s prepared to give their relationship another shot.

"She's my ideal woman. We were always laughing and I love her to death. The years we spent together were the best of my life. We were a fantastic couple and I would love to have that again."

Credit: Andrei Andrade

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