
Jay's Scary encounter

Added on Thursday 19 May 2005, 12:55 (UTC)

The Mirror newspaper (UK) printed a story today (Thursday) about the Dynamite launch party that was held at the Cirque nightclub in London on Tuesday night.

Apparently ex-Spice Girl Mel (Scary Spice) B tried to get talking with Jay after the bands performance...

"After he performed, Mel tracked him down to the upper level of the VIP area. She was really trying to get in there with him. It was hysterical.  Mel spent most of the night trying to corner him. But Jay wasn't having any of it. He kept wriggling out of conversations with her."

Speaking to the newspaper after the performance, Jay said that he had recently injured himself at the gym whilst trying to get fit for the tour.

"I start touring this summer and we've got another hour to add on to the set. I'm tired before I get on stage.  I have a personal trainer now and do boxing, but I strained my shoulder the other day and was in real pain on stage."

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