
Sola Akingbola interview and competition

Added on Sunday 16 December 2007, 07:57 (UTC)

An interview with Jamiroquai percussionist Sola Akingbola (by regular news contributor Deesha Dyer) about his recently released Routes to Roots album is currently featured on the website.  Part of the interview reads as follows:

Q: Although all the tracks are personal to you, can you tell me which is the one or two that you feel particularly close to?

A: The track I feel particularly close to is track 5 called Ori Ni Kan. Which means Ori is the One. Ori is that beautiful creative powerful force that we all have, that enables us to achieve amazing things. The poem speaks of personal responsibility. The only power that can follow you to the deepest, furthest place is you. I love this poem.

The interview can be read in full at the website together with a competition to win a copy of the album and some other Jamiroquai 'goodies'.

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