
Update from Derrick McKenzie

Added on Saturday 10 June 2006, 17:13 (UTC)

Here is an update from Jamiroquai drummer Derrick McKenzie written yesterday (Friday) afternoon...

Well mate and all you lovely people out there we have still been in the studio and working on the new tracks, another track was done this week and it's a great tune, we are all really happy with the result so far.  Sadly we had to lose our engineer this week as he had personal commitments, but we managed to find another engineer programmer who started with us yesterday, his name is Simon Changer - he has settled in really well and is just carrying on from where Richard left off.

The days have been fantastic so recording and working out of Chillington have been really good.  Admittedly a couple of the guys in the band have been plagued with tiredness and flu, Matt and Rob the poor guys have had to finish really late drive home for hours on end and then get up early to come back to the studio.  But all the same they love it!!!!!!!!!!

Over  the weekend me might be working but with the football on who knows, I know Sola and Paul are major football fans and we might be able to pull them away from the TV to do a couple of takes in the studio!!!! ha ha ha.  Next week we travel to Russia and we are looking forward as we have never been there before as a band, so we are all looking forward to it very much!!!!  We know we have a big following over there so it will great to see and Russia and play live after so many years.

Anyway we are all enjoying our time on the road so far and look forward to fans and our regular front rowers over the next couple of months.

We love you guys and we thank you for visiting the funkin site and our MySpace pages also this is really appreciated.

So you all take care for now.

Much love to you all!!!!!!!!


For info, here are the URL's to the bandmembers pages MySpace where you'll find lots of music to listen to that they've written/recorded or are currently working on - highly recommended... 

  • Derrick -
  • Matt -
  • Rob -

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