
Diego Maradonna talks about meeting Jamiroquai

Added on Monday 09 January 2006, 12:06 (UTC)

In an article in the Observer newspaper (UK) about footballer Diego Maradonna, Jamiroquai gets a mention when the interview talks with "Fabian von Quintiero, a rock musician who also runs the Soul Cafe, a bar where Maradona has celebrated many landmarks in his life...."

He recalls a night when singer Jay Kay, from Jamiroquai, and friends visited his bar, but the atmosphere was flat. 'I asked Diego to come over. I told him that there were some English folk here who needed to be shown a good time. Diego said he'd finish his supper and then come down. When he walked in the English guys fell to their knees, weeping tears of joy. It was wonderful.'

Credit: Samantha Yemm

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