
Official website Downtime

Added on Saturday 18 September 2004, 11:00 (UTC)
For over two weeks now (since 3 September), the Official Jamiroquai Website has been offline. One can only assume that this is related to another site re-design in preparation for the new album - but this amount of downtime is ridiculous. There is no reason why such a high profile site (for one of Sony's biggest artists) should be offline for this amount of time. Jamiroquai have never showed any real lasting commitment to their online presence and this is unfortunately another demonstration of this. Let's hope that the site comes back online soon and if it's a new design - it really blows our minds. On a related note, I am currently unsure as to why has been offline since the start of this week. Thanks to all the people who contacted me asking if I knew what was going on.

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