In true Brit Awards style, Jamiroquai failed to win, with the Best British Group award going to Travis. However, it sounded like Jay's duet with Anastacia went down well. According to Dotmusic, "Jay Kay was first to enter the stage, dressed in silk purple suit and what looked like a zebra print hat. After belting out the first few opening lines of 'Bad Girls', Kay was joined on stage by his very own bad girl, a dread-locked Anastacia, with matching crazy hat." After the performance, Jay told BBC Radio 1 "It was good. She's a lot of fun! She's got the flithiest mouth of any girl I know! I want to duet with her in the future."
In 2000, the Official Jamiroquai web site launched a full Japanese translated site. This was unfortunately lost with the launch of the "A Funk Odyssey" site in 2001.