
Sola Akingbola 'Tank Tribe' download

Added on Saturday 24 September 2005, 08:57 (UTC)

Jamiroquai percussionist Sola Akingbola has released the first track from his "Tank Tribe" project - a collaboration between Sola and ex-Jamiroquai didgeridoo player Wallis Buchanaan.

Sola plans to make available 10 tracks over the coming months, which will all be available to purchase from  Sola writes...

"Wallis and I always enjoyed a special relationship because the Yidaki (didgeridoo) is to Australian Aborigines what the drum is to Africans: there is a profound groove-based vibration underpinning both forms of musical communication. Wallis and I loved being able to vibe off each other on stage and we knew that one day we would work together."

The first track that is available, entitled "Got To Go", features Sola and Sophia Jones on vocals, and was recorded at a London recording studio run by ex-Jamiroquai touring bandmember Winston Rollins.

A 40 second clip of the first track is available for download, with links to purchase a full length version.  Sola also makes the following clear:

A special plea to the fans: Tank Tribe is a self-financing and independent project - there is no record label involved. The money made from each track will go towards the costs of producing the next track. If people decide to rip the tune off without paying for it there will no more tracks. So far I'm planning on releasing a new track every month for the next ten months so please support this project.

Credit: John Sinclair Willis, Stephen Brown

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