
Channel V Interview summary and repeat broadcasts

Added on Tuesday 06 September 2005, 11:54 (UTC)

Channel V (Australia) today (Tuesday) broadcast a show containing an interview with Jay, recorded before the Naples (Italy) concert a few weeks ago.  Some of the points talked about were...

  • He'd never get tattoos as they are 'distinguishing marks' - if he ever gets hauled into jail he'd be identified by his 'distinguishing marks'.
  • How his good friend Ollie helped him off cocaine (Rob also mentioned that it's sad to see someone hurt by such a harsh drug) and how he knew he had it in him to get off cocaine.
  • Having his pub in the grounds, and how he can stagger out of there and not be photographed by the paparazzi. 
  • His love of Italian cars and how there aren't many Ferrari's on the road in Italy.
  • He's never gone out with any fans, but he's 'done a few' (this wasn't shown during the 1/2 hour interview, but during a commercial about the interview shown earlier on).
  • Recording and working on the Dynamite album around the world, so he can get away from home and have a new perspective and environment for the band's recording of the album.
  • On his last trip to Australia, he liked swimming with the dolphins in Western Australia.  He'd also like to travel to places up north like Darwin and Cairns as well as taking the train from Perth to Sydney.
  • He wouldn't take his Ferrari in the outback as there wouldn't be too much to see - only bushes and red dust and how he tried to out-race an ostrich last time he was here but it ran into the bush so he couldn't follow it.
  • On tour it's going mainly on the bus, but he's brought his Harley Davidson motorcycle with him so on days off he can go for rides for new scenery.

The show, "Andrew G's Excellent Adventure" will be repeated at the following times - 7 Sep (13:00 and 21:30), 8 Sep (17:00), 9 Sep (08:00 and 21:30) and 10 Sep (18:00).

Please check the site later for hopefully links to download the interview.

Credit: Samantha Yemm

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