
Daily Mirror interview

Added on Friday 12 August 2005, 16:59 (UTC)

The Daily Mirror newspaper (UK) has a short interview with Jay taken after the gig in Golf-Juan (France) on 21 July.  As with many other recent interviews, he talks about how his drug addiction is now firmly behind him:

"It's funny the amount of people who come out of the woodwork who knew me four or five years ago and go, 'Hey, do you want to try this?' he says. "I'm like, 'Don't you read the f***ing newspapers?' I avoid them like the plague.

"I've done a lot of sleeping on this tour. I'm probably catching up on seven years of it. I’m so pleased I got rid of that s***. I just kick myself and say, 'Why didn’t you do it earlier, you prat'."

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